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Welcome To MentorX

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We Bridge The Gap Between Education And Employment

If you want to learn more about us ,
this is our story.









About The Company

Founded by a successful Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur, Dr. Cliff Ma, MentorX Corporation provides a mission-critical solution for Generation Z to successfully cross the chasm between education and employment in the 4th industrial revolution era.
MentorX employs the latest AI technologies to build a career planning and training platform that connects students, mentors and workplaces anytime and anywhere. Students can acquire job specific skills through personalized mentoring sessions and then they are matched to the best-fit job opportunities on MentorX platform. Complementing today’s colleges and universities, MentorX provides an indispensable part of learning for students to maximize their education investment with high paying jobs.

About The Founder

Cliff Ma

Founder and CEO of MentorX Corp.

About The Founder

Dr. Cliff Ma has founded and co-founded four electronic simulation and ed-tech companies in Silicon Valley, Beijing, and Los Angeles. Three of them successfully exited. Now he is devoted to build a new generation company to bridge the gap between campus and workplace and ensure a bright career for every student. Dr. Ma started his career as a semiconductor specialist. He held senior director positions in three high-tech public companies in Silicon Valley. Dr. Ma holds a Ph.D degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Washington and BSEE from Tsinghua University.

Our Culture

Vision: Our vision is to provide a life-long and personalized learning experience for everyone to maximize his or her potential.

Mission: At MentorX, our mission is to close the gap between education and the workplace for international students. We empower students to build a career and life they love wherever in the world.

Values: We deliver leading-edge professional knowledge and the best career practices to the younger generations through technology innovation and personalized coaching; and empower them to excel in their lives and careers!

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